There can be many reasons to receive and take part in a private ceremony. It can be simply to be heard, and have a space held to express yourself. It is my privilege to hold this space.
Past private ceremonies have included:​
+ Partner Vision Journey
+ Blessing Way – Birthing
+ Rites of Passage - Rites of passage have multi-layered meanings. The purpose and intent of the ritual can be social or psychological as well as spiritual or religious. Certain rites of passage represent first and foremost circumstances of the initiated. (e.g. first menstruation, marriage, pregnancy, menopause)
+ Listen
+ Seasonal Shifts (Spring & Autumn Equinox, Summer & Winter Solstice)
+ Giving birth to ourselves, our new selves, our real selves.
This is an invitation for you to share space and never feel alone. Book a Personal Ceremony in person. The cost of ceremony will be dependent on individual circumstances and needs.
Please contact me at